MIUS has got ISSN for Online Version

23 February 2016, 3:02 pm Written by 
Published in Latest News
Read 902448 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 February 2016 03:41

MIUS has got ISSN for Online Version



Alhamdulillah, It is our pleasure to inform you all that, by the grace of Allah, Manarat International University Studies has got its ISSN for the online version.

The ISSN for the online version is ISSN 2414-6773. This is another step towards achieving the goals of MIU Studies. The journal is now dreaming to be Indexed journal that would be recognized internationally, InShaAllah.


We seek all of your suggestion and cooperation in this regard.

May Allah’s bounties be upon you all.


The Executive Editor

MIU Studies

Manarat International University

Gulshan, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh.


- See more at: http://miurs.manarat.ac.bd/index.php/component/k2/item/4-mius-has-applied-for-eissn#sthash.iafxAdrt.dpuf

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